Thursday, April 9, 2020

My Clothesline Cauldron

Any good witch knows they need a cauldron. Of course, with me, mine hangs from a clothesline. Like I said: not-so-typical man-witch, here! :)

It's made of ruby-red glass, and I think it's the coolest thing ever. The magickal part of this special cauldron takes place more of a morning than during the witching hour. Rays of sun burst through the Tennessee sky and create this gorgeous, red-hued spectrum on the ground.

While posting this, it's morning. I'm sipping coffee and watching the sun rise over the mountains while my familiars dance around my feet. I smiled because I then realized magick is everywhere.  It's in playful cats, smelling the aroma of honeysuckles in the distant air, and the beams that stream from my clear clothesline cauldron.

Yes, magick is everywhere, my bewitched lovelies! We just have to stop, open our hearts, and it will be there every single time. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Dream A Little Dream

OK, I'll admit. I love crystals--crystals and candles, but not in that order.

Above my bed, I keep a piece of amethyst on my headboard. Legend has it an amethyst possesses particular healing properties. it's supposed to also help you sleep better and relieve stress. For the past few weeks, I haven't been sleeping that well. However, after learning about the magickal properties of amethyst I've probably slept better than I have in years. Now, I'm not sure if its the crystal itself or the chamomile tea that helps but either way it does the trick!

What's your favorite stone for rest and relaxation? Write in the comments section below! I'd love to hear which one you use.  

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Familiars And Other Strangers

To say I just came out of the broom closet is an understatement. In truth, I don't match the life and living of an ideal witch. I don't mix potions and have never cursed anyone (well, not that I'll ever admit that), and I have especially never danced sky-clad around a full moon's light. Unless you count that time I was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, saw a mouse, and freaked out to the point I appeared to have river danced my way from one room into another.

Yes, dear friends, I'm not a typical witch. The only potions I concoct are mixed drinks and iced teas. My path is peculiar, to say the least but we'll learn more about that as we go along. As far as wearing black all the time, blue is more my color. Also, I'm absolutely terrified of spiders. heard it here, folks: a witch terrified of spiders! Go figure.

Of course, even though I felt I was born a witch, I only and finally grasped the concept I was a witch about a year ago. In truth, my family were witches. being from the Bible belt, they just never admitted it. To them, witches should be burned at the stake according to the Bible's standpoint. Again...go figure!

So, what exactly does a witch blog about for the first time? Well, this is what I've decided to make as my first blog entry. I've decided to blog about my familiar. Every witch needs a familiar to help keep them stay grounded, right? Well, instead of one I have seven. I didn't choose Onyx because she's a black cat and something witches should have. She's the only one of the seven who can stay still long enough for a photo shot. My familiars consist of three cats (two that are black and gray, and their Mom is a striped, multi-colored cat), and four dogs (a jack russell, a boston terrier, a min-schnauzer and a chihuahua). Yes, I'm not even joking.

If you are reading this with the intent of reading the chronicles of a fully-practicing witch who spends his time dedicated to the craft, you will become very disappointed. Some will read this blog and think I'm not taking my gifts seriously enough, while others will read this and feel he or she is not alone. I'm not as dedicated as I should be. I'm just your non-traditional "man-witch" whose life is far from impressive but finds magick in the tiniest things of life. There are things outside of magick I find to be magick within itself, like aromas and sights and even the beauty of solar lights in a garden. Even stray thoughts, music and memories are magick to me.

To sum up, magick is in everything!

So, come along with me. We might read a tarot deck or pour a glass of wine and vent about the day. Just know that despite the hodge-podge nature of this particular blog the world might have a certain way of doing everything, but always know real magick comes from coloring outside the lines every once in a while.